For as long as there have been telephones there has been cold calling, ever since the start of commercial business there's been business politics - conversations behind closed doors, 'hush hush' subjects. But is there really any need?
We've come to a time where information is not only available at the drop of a hat, but that information can also be shared and commented on. A worldwide tool allowing every customer you've ever been in contact with to rate you or hate you and let the whole world know about it! it better to keep the doors closed, risk information being 'leaked' or open up the doors to everyone, critics, fans, sceptics and general commentators. My proposal is the latter.
If a company is worth dealing with there should be few secrets, if you've got something to say it should be something that anyone could here. Embracing the transparency should be liberating, if a little frightening and in my opinion would have a positive reflection on the company. You've obviously got nothing to hide.
Embracing today's social media is just another brave step to make. Allowing the public direct interaction with the company and enhancing the ability to advocate your work is such an incredible free tool and an opportunity not to be looked over.
For the past 8 years social media has been steadily rising, it has come to the point where most people you know have a facebook account, enjoy the odd tweet, connect with like-minded people on linkedin or possibly all of the above. Most people I know have watched a video on youtube even if they barely know how to use a PC.
So all of a sudden businesses are able to find, connect and engage with existing customers, suppliers and the general public in a non-threatening environment. The same applies to the large format print industry.
With printMAX attempting to maintain a 3rd year as Roland's most successful authorised dealer, joining the rest of the industry across the social media platforms seems the obvious choice.
And so starts a new era of transparent business, competitive on line communication and a personal one-to-one business relationship.